Timetable BellyDance Course 2020

Welcome to the Specialized School of Oriental Dance in Granada.
We are in Pedro Antonio de Alarcón Street, 14, right mezzanine. Manuel de Falla corner
(Underground Recogidas)
Our School is equipped with everything necessary to learn this millenary dance effectively and efficiently:
Heated academy, double mirrors, air conditioning, oriental bazaar, floating floor to dance barefoot.
- Benginners Level (€ 40 / month):
No previous experience necessary, start here!
Monday and Wednesday 21h-22h
Saturdays from 11am to 12pm (€ 20 / month) or saturaday drop-in classes (5€/per hour)
-NIvel Initial - pre-intermediate (€ 40 / month):
.Tuesday and Thursday from 8pm to 9pm
-Middle level (from 2 years, € 40 / month):
Monday and Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
. Tuesday and Thursday from 9pm to 10pm.
Saturdays from 11 to 12h (improvement-€ 20 / month)
-Advanced level (€ 40 / month):
. Tuesday and Thursday from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
.Monday and Wednesday from 8pm to 9pm
Private lessons: € 15 / hour
PLACE: School of Oriental Dance of Oriental Dance Helena Rull.
C / Pedro Antonio de Alarcón, 14 right mezzanine. Granada (center)
Classes will be taught by Helena Rull (see curriculum), teacher and choreographer of Oriental Dance, Helena Rull, a professor of national renown recognized for her pedagogical ability and simplicity.
The main objective is to learn this millenary dance through structured and well-defined classes based on the level contracted. The creation of choreographies for each specific level, will make greater learning and contact with music. The warming, the correct execution of the movements, and a perfect relaxation will also cause a better well-being in our health. Another primary objective is to enjoy dancing, friendship and good times.

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